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image of a Female physiotherapist doing manipulative spine treatment on young patient


Getting relief from the condition you’re suffering from is a matter of finding the right specialist to seek treatment. When it comes to muscle pains, physiotherapists and osteopaths are two of the most common healthcare professionals Australians seek treatment from.

In this article, we will explain about physiotherapy and osteopathy and how they are different from one other. This can help you determine which of these two disciplines help you combat  your ailment and/or condition.


What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a branch of complementary medicine that aims to treat a series of medical conditions with the use of manual manipulation, exercises, and massages for relief of the skeletal and musculoskeletal systems.


What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a discipline that aims to treat injuries, diseases, and deformities through physical methodologies and interventions such as massage, heat treatment, and exercises. Instead of utilising conventional surgeries and medications to alleviate pain and discomfort as well as render treatment, physiotherapy focuses on the use of physical methods.


They sound all too similar, so what are the differences between them?

Osteopathic medicine focuses almost exclusively on the musculoskeletal system. Osteopathic doctors specialise in the application of spinal and joint manipulation. Also, they utilise their hands in the provision of treatment to patients. Physiotherapists on the other hand are trained to utilise exercise regimens and other treatment modalities such as electrotherapy and ultrasound in providing treatment to patients.

Osteopaths also follow a more holistic approach to treatment as they identify interrelationships between various organ system to formulate an effective treatment of their patients.

If you want to learn more about osteopathy and what it can do for you, schedule an appointment with us today on 03 9663 5450.