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image of a Therapist giving lower back sports massage to athlete male patient in clinic

Osteopathy plays an important role in the strength and conditioning of athletes. This type of alternative medicine is fast becoming a common solution for athletes in the prevention and management of sports-related injuries. Professional athletes who undergo high-level sports training on a regular basis find osteopathy highly beneficial as it provides a host of benefits, all of which contribute to excellent overall performance.


How does osteopathy help athletes?

Sports injuries are common, especially among athletes involved in contact sports. Bruises, sprains, and muscle strains are part of an athlete’s life. As injuries are inevitable in the world of sports, athletes turn to osteopathy in keeping their bodies conditioned and at the best shape possible on and off season.

In essence, osteopathy deals with problems that involve the musculoskeletal system. It identifies, diagnoses, and treats problems relating to bones, tissues, muscles, and ligaments. The broad approach of osteopathy makes it easier to identify problems such as localized pain or general complaints among athletes.


The benefits from regular visits to the best Melbourne osteopathic clinic are as follows:

  • Minimise risk of future injuries.
  • Overall improvement of health and performance.
  • Prepare the body for training by identifying and treating imbalances resulting in increased performance.
  • Manual techniques utilised by osteopaths help increase muscular strength, improve flexibility and may even improve lung capacity.
  • Post-training and post-game, osteopathy helps release pain and may guarantee faster recovery from injuries such as fractures and traumas.


What osteopathy treatments are commonly provided to athletes during their visit at a Melbourne osteopathic clinic?

The best osteopath will tailor the treatment on an athlete’s sport, level of training, lifestyle and general health conditions. All of these factors help create an effective treatment plan that will help athletes excel and improve their overall performance.


Common osteopathic treatments include:

  • Joint articulation
  • Joint manipulation
  • Sports taping
  • Soft tissue massage
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Prescription of functional exercises


If you wish to learn more about how osteopathy can help you improve your performance as an athlete, or simply want to get rid of aches and pains, you may book an appointment today. Call us on 03 9663 5450.